Saturday, 1 December 2012


What is Lycopene?
Lycopene is what gives tomatoes, watermelon, pink grapefruit, apricots and other red fruits and vegetables their red color. This pigment acts as an antioxidant in the body, protecting cells against damage from the free radicals formed when body cells burn oxygen for energy.

Why is lycopene important for men's good health?
A number of studies have demonstrated that men who get more lycopene in their diet have less risk of prostrate cancer and increases energy. Studies has been conducted with 47,894 men, researchers found that eating 10 or more servings a week of tomato products was linked with a reduced risk of prostate cancer by as much a 34 percent. Although other factors are probably also involved, you can't go wrong including more red fruits and vegetables in your diet.

As an antioxidant, lycopene helps protect against other diseases as well. It is accepted that lycopene can help reduce blood LDL cholesterol (the "bad" cholesterol). And at a recent conference, researchers presented findings on lycopene's potential protection against male infertility, osteoporosis, skin cancer, Varicose vein removal , eye disease, prostate, breast and endometrial cancers.

Where do you find lycopene?
Lycopene is not produced in the body, so you can only obtain its benefits by eating foods rich in lycopene. Cooked or processed tomato products, such as spaghetti sauce, tomato juice, ketchup and pizza sauce are, by far, the major sources of lycopene.

Lycopene is better absorbed by the body when it is consumed in cooked tomato products, rather than fresh tomatoes. In one study, heat processing released up to 2.5 times the lycopene from tomatoes, making it more available and absorbable in the body. Also, because lycopene is fat-soluble, adding a little oil helps absorption too. Fruits such as watermelon and pink grapefruit will contribute lycopene to the diet too.

Easy ways to increase your consumption of lycopene:
1. Start your meal with a cup of tomato soup. Add some fresh basil for a gourmet taste.
2. When making your own spaghetti sauce, add tomato paste and a little olive oil.
3. For a refreshing snack, drink a glass of reduced sodium tomato or vegetable juice.
4. Top omelets, chicken breasts, pork chops and baked potatoes with salsa.
5. Look for cut-up watermelon in the produce department and at the salad bar.
3. Take Daily one Nutricharge Man after breakfast.

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